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Dean Ayala announces upcoming balance changes

The inn will soon welcome a new series of balance changes! Lead card designer Dean Ayala announced on Twitter new upcoming changes to Hearthstone, but also to Battlegrounds!

Faker was apparently offered a blank check by NA teams

Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok is probably the most iconic League of Legends player ever and is currently plays in South Korea's LCK. During a recent talk show appearance he revealed he was offered a blank check by North American orgs to play in that region.

The best LoL addons for the 2020 season

Ever felt completely lost during the draft phase? Wonder which items suit your champion and role? Thanks to these addons, there's no knowledge out of your reach.

Should we expect Alune to join the Rift?

Some of you might already know the answer to this question, but just who is Alune? Is she another champion, ready to join the game? We mix background and gameplay analysis to tell you everything you need to know.

Weird glitch turns Kai'Sa into Rek'Sai

We're all expecting Sett to be the 148th champion introduced to League of Legends, but apparently Riot Games forgot to tell us that another hidden champion has made his way to the Summoner's Rift. It's called Rek'Kai'Sa, and it's absolutely hilarious.

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Redeem Genshin Impact Promo Codes: Free Primogems and More!
Genshin Impact Tier List: The best characters for October 2020