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LoL Wild Rift: Jinx ADC Build Guide

LoL Wild Rift: Jinx ADC Build Guide

Items, Runes, Summoner Spells, and Spell Order. Read on to find out all you need to know to play Jinx, the Loose Cannon, in League of Legends Wild Rift

LoL Wild Rift: Jinx ADC Build Guide

Just gotten your hands on Jinx in Wild Rift and want to know how to play her? Read our guide on this champion to learn just how to get the best out of Jinx, the Loose Cannon.



Gathering Storm


Pack Hunter

Jinx is a low-mobility AD carry that can deal colossal damage damage during lengthy teamfights. Conqueror is ideal for doing this, while Gathering Storm will ensure that you have a devastating late game. It starts to have an impact from around 10 minutes into the game.

Jinx is incredibly dependant on her support, and the green rune Loyalty will shore up both of your defensive deficiencies. Pack Hunter gives you an easy way of getting additional gold during fights, as well as a bit of added mobility.


Here is the best spell order for playing Jinx.

Wild Rift

Summoner Spells

Wild Rift
Wild Rift

Starter Items & Boots

Starter Item

Optimal Boots

Main Items

The items you buy for your champion will vary from game to game based on the composition of the enemy team. You'll find a list of the best choices for Jinx below, ranked by effectiveness. The items in bold are surefire picks you'll want in 90% of your games.

1. Infinity Blade

2. Runaan's Hurricane

3. Rapid Firecannon

4. Bloodthirster

5. Mortal Reminder

Tips & Ttricks

  • The main trick to playing Jinx comes from how you use her Switcheroo! ability, as it lets you change your main weapon. The close-range minigun is at its best against single targets, towers, and neutral objectives, while the rocket-launcher is great in teamfights with a lot of players, or against enemies that will kill you if you get too close.
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