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TFT Patch 9.19 Guide — Akali plus Thief's Gloves is THE winning strat.

TFT Patch 9.19 Guide — Akali plus Thief's Gloves is THE winning strat.

Patch 9.19 just hit the live servers in Teamfight Tactics, and the legion of changes that it has brought have turned the meta on its head. New items, a new champion — here we summarize everything that has changed!

TFT Patch 9.19 Guide — Akali plus Thief's Gloves is THE winning strat.

Patch 9.19 certainly brought a LOT of changes and new content to Teamfight Tactics. Alongside the release of Kai'Sa, the introduction of the Sparring Gloves has surely transformed the way we build champions. In this article, we summarize everything we've learned from our tryhard sessions.


  • Akali is super strong — again.
  • The Kassassin composition isn't the strongest anymore (thank you Riot).
  • The current pace of the meta is a little bit slower because of player damage being lowered.
  • Thief's Gloves are BROKEN.
  • Knights are still strong in the early and mid-game, but will fall off pretty hugely in the late game if you don't manage to unlock the (6) bonus.
  • Assassins, Assassins EVERYWHERE...

Hard roll and experience

As mentioned above, the pace of the meta has slowed down a lot because of player damage being lowered. Reaching Level 8-9 is now a real possibility, and not something that rarely happens — which means it's now more interesting to build a proper economy than hard-rolling in the early-game.

So, when should you level up?


Leveling up to...






6 — if and only if you have a champion to add


6 — if you didn't level-up on round 3-1





Akali + Thief's Gloves = GG

  • In the current meta, Akali is once again ruling the Convergence. Especially strong within Assassin compositions, she can also fit in a Sorcerer line-up since she strongly benefits from the Spell Power bonus.
  • Thief's Gloves are completely overpowered — we might even say 'broken' — since they allow one of your champions to become a carry with just one item. This item is ALWAYS good, because even when you don't get the items you want, you'll benefit from stats.

Kassassin, OUT!

We're almost crying with joy while transmitting this piece of news, because this monstrosity seems to have taken its last breath. That's right — because of the new Void bonus, the Kassassin composition fell to the bottom of the current meta Tier List. Since you now need all four Voids to activate the strongest bonus, the composition isn't able to snowball like it did previously.

Thank you Riot, we couldn't stand this comp anymore...

Assassins and Knights prevail

Paired with Wild or Ninjas, Assassins are completely dominating the current meta. However, thanks to their slight buff, Knights are still good pretenders for the Convergence throne — especially when played with Imperials. Hafu proved that during TwitchCon this weekend, finishing second with this specific composition.

In short...

(3) Yordle bonus seems to fit anywhere
You can still play the Exodia comp... notably with Akali.
Thief's Gloves and Giant Slayer are SUPER STRONG
Infinity Edge, Jeweled Gauntlet, Hand of Justice and Iceborn Gauntlet are OK
Demons aren't that strong anymore
Nobles have become too dependent on Kayle
Repeating Crossbow, Quicksilver and Trap Claw are... pretty bad.
Deathblade is... meh.
TFT 9.19 Patch notes — Kai'Sa and the Sparring Gloves break the meta.

We already knew about the Sparring Gloves being delayed to patch 9.19, however, the arrival of Kai'Sa is a piece of hot news! This is the biggest patch Teamfight Tactics has ever received... check it out!

Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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