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Miscellaneous - LoL Patch notes 9.18 — Star Guardians lands onto the Rift!

LoL Patch notes 9.18 — Star Guardians lands onto the Rift!
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Patch 9.18 will mark the return of the Star Guardians! Stil lead by Ahri, the magical girls will welcome a new member: Neeko! Sadly, Star Guardian Urgot won't be shipped with this patch, but brace yourselves people: if we're convincing enough, Riot might consider it. I mean, come on, can't you see that Star Guardian Urgot is THE feature that League of Legends needs?

Video Accessibility Options

"A few new options are now available under Video in the in-game settings. For players who need them, these options can be vital in making their gaming experience more comfortable or even possible! Please let us know what you think and what else you'd like to have options for since we're definitely interested in adding more accessibility features in the future."

  • Enable Screen Shake — On by default, but turning it off will remove the screen shake caused by things like Pulsefire Ezreal's recall or Ornn's ultimate.
  • Visual Sliders — Allows players to control the Color Level, Gamma, Brightness, and Contrast of games. These options will change the overall appearance of the game except for the UI, allowing you to either diminish or highlight visual differences in-game quickly

New Summoner Icons

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League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends

New Emotes

League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends

New Ward Skin

League of Legends

Bug Fixes

  • Jayce's E - Acceleration Gate now properly functions when cast on top of Jayce
  • Pinging Pantheon's R - Grand Starfall will tell Pantheon's teammates which enemies are in range
  • Wolf no longer grants additional, non-functional vision to Kindred when circling her
  • Champions affected by Stasis no longer move during the effect
  • Allies on their way to enter Tahm Kench's R - Abyssal Voyage will no longer be stuck when Tahm Kench is hit by an enemy
    When Shaco fears a target with W - Jack in the Box, he'll properly receive an assist if the target is killed shortly after
  • Diana's Passive - Moonsilver Blade's tooltip now properly updates when she ranks up E - Moonfall
  • Jinx's E - Flame Chompers now properly prevent Akali from moving when she uses R - Perfect Execution through them
  • Taliyah's Q - Threaded Volley now properly consumes the full mana cost after she walks out of an area of Worked Ground
  • Illaoi can no longer dash a short distance using W - Harsh Lesson when snared or rooted
  • Bard's Meep cone attacks now properly break spell shields
  • When Karthus is under his Passive - Death Defied effect, his W - Wall of Pain now properly grants vision around the wall
A first look at League of Legends on mobile?

One month ago, a screenshot of what is supposed to be a mobile version of League of Legends spread on the Internet — but doubts remained. However, it's now quite hard to deny its existence, given a video from China seems to confirm the theory.

  • Table of Contents
  • New Skins
  • Champions Balance Changes
  • Miscellaneous
Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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