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LoL: The fastest pentakill ever seen?

LoL: The fastest pentakill ever seen?

Getting a pentakill in League of Legends is something every player wants. But this one is simply edifying. A summoner was able to wipe out an entire team with just a second.

LoL: The fastest pentakill ever seen?

On League of Legends, you always feel a little proud when you pull off a great move like a steal, a well-calibrated escape but also a Pentakill. The thing is not so easy to achieve and some positions such as support will rarely allow you to succeed in one. If you play ADC, on the other hand, you have a much better chance of registering one. And that's exactly what happened to our summoner who was playing Aphelios. What's even more impressive about this pentakill is how quickly it was done.

The fastest pentakill in history?

It must be admitted that all the conditions were met for this carnage. While the opposing team was trying to engage with their Lee Sin — a commit that failed, of course — they finally found themselves stuck in the opposing jungle. A golden opportunity for our Aphelios who knew how to keep his distance so as not to be caught.

The opportunity is too good for our player who casts his Ultimate.

In less than a second, the five enemies are swept away, granting our player a nice little jackpot of 1600 gold coins. Note that he was still a small front feed, which must have greatly helped him to achieve this pentakill.

When the champion was released in late 2019, his ultimate with Infernum drew a lot of criticism from the community due to his consistent ability to nuke five enemies in a split second. Since then, the ability has been nerfed numerous times, and instant pentakills like the one seen here have become much harder to pull off.

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Julien bxakid

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