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Teamfight Tactics: All TFT Set 4: Fates Class Traits

Teamfight Tactics: All TFT Set 4: Fates Class Traits

Two things are essential in Teamfight Tactics: Origin Traits, and Class Traits. These generate synergies that make your heroes more powerful, and mastery of these is a core part of gameplay. Here are all the class synergies that are available with TFT Set 4: Fates

Teamfight Tactics: All TFT Set 4: Fates Class Traits

Finding the right synergies is a mechanic that you cannot pass on if you are to win in Teamfight Tactics.

Here you'll find details of all the Class Traits, and what they bring to your team.

NOTE: For a synergy to be active, you just need to have the specific number of different champions of that particular class on the battlefield at the same time. Duplicates don't count.

For example, say you want to use the Assassins class. This means you could use three of Diana, Pyke, Akali, Katarina, or Talon to get the (3) Assassin trait started. Should you want to activate the (6) Assassin trait, you'll need to use a Spatula item as there are currently only five Assassins in the set.

Class synergies


Adepts calm the flow of battle. reducing the Attack Speed of all enemies by 50% for a few secondes at the start of combat.

(2) → 3 seconds

(3) → 5 seconds

(4) → 8 seconds

Champions: Irelia, Shen, Yone


Innate: Before combat starts, Assassins leap to the enemy backline. Assassins' spells can critically stike and they gain bonus Critical Strike Damage and Chance.

· (2) → 10% Crit chance; 10% Crit Damage

· (4) → 25% Crit chance; 25% Crit Damage

· (6) → 40% Crit chance; 40% Crit Damage

Champions: Diana, Pyke, Akali, Katarina, Talon


Brawlers have increased maximum health.

(2) → 400 HP

(4) → 700 HP

(6) → 900 HP

Champions: Tahm Kench, Maokai, Sylas, Vi, Nunu, Warwick, Sett


Dazzler's spells reduce their target's Attack Damage by 50% for a few seconds.

(2) → 5 seconds

(4) → 10 seconds

Champions: Lissandra, Lux, Morgana, Cassiopeia, Ezreal


Innate: Duelists move faster. Duelists' attacks grant Attack Speed, up to 7 stacks.

(2) → +10% Attack Speed per stack

(4) → +20% Attack Speed per stack

(6) → +40% Attack Speed per stack

(8) → +100% Attack Speed per stack

Champions: Fiora, Yasuo, Jax, Kalista, Xin Zhao, Lee Sin


Every three seconds, all Hunters will attack the lowest health enemy, dealing increased damage.

(2) → 100% Bonus Damage

(3) → 150% Bonus Damage

(4) → 200% Bonus Damage

(5) → 250% Bonus Damage

Champions: Aphelios, Kindred, Ashe, Warwick


At the start of combat, Keepers grant themselves and all nearby allies a shield for 8 seconds. This shield is 50% stronger on Keepers.

(2) → 125 Shield Amount

(4) → 175 Shield Amount

(6) → 250 Shield Amount

Champions: Elise, Jarvan IV, Kennen, Riven, Azir


Mages cast twice and have modified Spell Power.

(3) → 70% Spell Power

(6) → 100% Spell Power

(9) → 150% Spell Power

Champions: Nami, Twisted Fate, Annie, Lulu, Veigar, Ahri, Lilia


All allies have increased Magic Resistance.

(2) → 40 Magic Resist

(4) → 100 Magic Resist

Champions: Janna, Yuumi, Cassiopeia, Zilean


Innate: When combat starts, Shades teleport to the enemy backline. Every third attack Shades dip into the shadows, stealthing and causing their next basic attack to deal bonus magic damage.

(2) → 100 Bonus Magic Damage

(3) → 200 Bonus Magic Damage

(4) → 300 Bonus Magic Damage

Champions: Zed, Evelynn, Kayn


Sharpshooters attacks and spells ricochet to nearby enemies dealing reduced damage.

(2) → 1 Ricochet / 70% Reduced Damage

(4) → 2 Ricochets / 45% Reduced Damage

(6) → 3 ricochet and damage reduced by 30%

Champions: Vayne, Nidalee, Teemo, Jinx, Jhin


Vanguards gain bonus armor.

(2) → 100 Armor

(4) → 200 Armor

(6) → 500 Armor

Champions: Wukong, Garen, Thresh, Hecarim, Aatrox, Sejuani


Emperors deploy with two additional units that can be moved separately. Troops rally to their Emperor when they cast, and die when their Emperor dies.

Champion: Azir

Teamfight Tactics: All TFT Set 4: Fates Champions

With the coming of Teamfight Tactics Set 4: Fates, new champions are introduced and others are reworked to fit the new theme. Here are all the champions you'll find in the new set.



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