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LoL: Big Elemental Rifts and Runes changes in Patch 10.12

LoL: Big Elemental Rifts and Runes changes in Patch 10.12

Riot Games is finally targeting ADC for a buff, but they're also planning big changes for Elemental Rifts and runes — to the point that the meta will drastically change.

LoL: Big Elemental Rifts and Runes changes in Patch 10.12

In a new "Quick Gameplay Thoughts", League of Legends Lead Game Designer Riot Scruffy is teasing some big changes for Elemental Rifts, Runes, as well as ADC champions...

Elemental Rifts

Starting with Season 10, Riot Games introduced the Elemental Rifts as a new core mechanic of Rise of the Elements shaping the map according to the Element of the third Drake appearing.

While Riot Games is globally satisfied with the four Elemental Rifts, Scruffy explains that they would like to improve the Inferno and Cloud versions. For the first one, he would like to introduce explosive spine cones that would damage champions. For the second, more vision flowers, as well as a better movement speed buff.

League of Legends



"The goal here is to ease up the usability of this rune significantly by making the area that you can protect allies much larger. Additionally, we’re changing the trigger from “any damage” to a significant burst of damage so that you have fewer cases where it triggers on tiny chip damage."


"Overall we’re simplifying and removing some restrictions like the long channel time, reducing the cooldown significantly and lowering the damage. The end result we hope is that this remains a strong option for ganking junglers, but also can find use with top fighters and supports."


"Simplifying to a more available tenacity option. 10% tenacity increased to 30% at low health."

Approach Velocity

"Removing the ally element which hasn’t delivered on the intended core idea for CC heavy champs to capitalize on their picks. New direction - movement speed towards CCed enemies, doubled when the CC is applied by yourself."

ADC Buff

Riot Games wants to change the option for the bottom and middle lane. In the end, the real concern of the ADC role is not the lack of damage, but the lack of independence and the survivability. Riot Games performs the following tests to hopefully balance this role:

  • +30 base health (for most ADC, see Patch 10.11 PBE notes for further information)
  • +2 HP per level
  • Zeal Movement Speed Bonus: 5% >>> 7%
  • Phantom Dancer's movement speed bonus: 5% >>> 7%
  • Ultra-fast cannon movement speed bonus: 5% >>> 7%
  • Statikk Dagger movement speed bonus: 5% >>> 7%
  • Hurricane of Runaan's movement speed bonus: 7% >>> 9%

Do you feel these changes will improve the health of the current meta? Will ADC champions finally be useful in Ranked Solo Queue? Feel free to drop your opinion in the comment section below!

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Original content by Antagoniste.

Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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