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LoL, Ask Riot: Events, Modes, and More

LoL, Ask Riot: Events, Modes, and More

We have selected for you the best of the latest "Ask Riot" about events, game modes and much more... enough to satisfy your curiosity!

LoL, Ask Riot: Events, Modes, and More

Based on the questions and answers from the last "Ask Riot", here is some information about events, custom games, the future of League of Legends, and other answers to questions you may have.

In-Game Events

They should be more innovative, more satisfying and more memorable:

  • On the one hand, there will be the return of temporary game modes (both old and new).
  • The missions will be more interesting and more diversified.
  • Missions and events will be more connected than before.

Custom Games

Riot does not intend to add URF or other game modes.

"Things like new and updated champs, abilities, items, runes, and skins don’t always play nice with modes. Changes or refactors to the game’s underlying code—like how damage is recorded or how textures are loaded into game—can be even more problematic," said Riot Popcorner and Riot Aether, "[...]We aren’t willing to offer a knowingly—basically intentionally—buggy experience for customs because we want your League experience to be high quality regardless of how you’re playing. Principled stances aside, some bugs are bad enough that they can crash entire game servers, meaning hundreds of matches would crash, not just the customs they occur in. So even if we were willing to let players opt into a buggy experience in custom games, it’d still lead to risks for the rest of League players as well."

Wild Rift, Legends of Runeterra, and other Riot Games

Will League of Legends be neglected because of all the other games that were announced at the 10th-anniversary event?

"In fact, for a very long time, the League of Legends team (including marketing) has accounted for under 20% of Riot’s total headcount. " said Communications Lead Riot Cactopus, "Others have been working on creative stuff like Arcane, our first animated series. As these Rioters finally get to share their work with you, the League of Legends PC team is going to keep on trucking."

All the announcements made during Riot Games' 10th Anniversary event

The special event to celebrate ten years of League of Legends is now over, and there's a lot to digest. Here you'll find a summary of everything, including Legends of Runeterra, Wild Rift, Project A, the new FPS and fighting game, and LoL's new champion.

Why can’t we choose a role we don’t want to play?

"Over the years, we’ve experimented with a couple of alternative position select systems, including one where you could “veto” a position. Essentially, it ended up sucking because everyone chose to veto Support, which lowered matchmaking quality and increased queue times dramatically.", said Riot SapMagic, "We try to avoid autofilling you if we can, but the design challenge here is striking a balance between you getting to pick your position, not having infinite queue times, and getting fair matches.[...] This is a tricky thing to get right, but we’re going to continue looking for ways to get you the position you want and make every game feel winnable."

What’s going on with Riot Accounts? Why did I have to change the username I use to log into League?

An update of the account system was necessary due to the arrival of the new Riot games. The major problem was that the usernames were not universally unique (there were duplicates in other parts of the world).

Don't panic, this change should be permanent: you won't have to change your username every six months.

Ask Riot: Usernames and Senna

In the last Ask Riot of the year, the team looks back on the update of the account system, the balancing of Senna but also on the fact that Riot decided to release two ADC champions in a row.



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