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Is it profitable to reroll your Pokémon Masters account?

List of Guides for Pokémon Masters
Is it profitable to reroll your Pokémon Masters account?

Rerolling an account is a common practice among players of mobile gatcha games. It consists of continuously starting new accounts until you obtain the best welcome gifts or most powerful characters. Here we explain all there is to know about the process and its profitability.

Is it profitable to reroll your Pokémon Masters account?

Rerolling is a method used by gatcha games aficionados on mobile phones. The principle is simple: it consists in recreating your account from scratch, if the items (here Sync Pairs) offered from the first minutes of the game do not suit you. Indeed, Pokémon Masters is a free to play mobile game that is generous in rewards and early game progress. The game gives you a significant amount of trainers in the first few hours, and it may be worthwhile to use this game mechanics to find the perfect duo for you.

However, it will take a few hours of play to advance through the chapters and collect gems... This is why it is not very profitable to reroll too many times in Pokémon Masters. Let's say that the value of reroll is rather limited!

However, for players who want to get their hands on a top tier duo from the beginning, here is the process to follow:

  • Go to the "Account" tab of your dex
  • Delete the backup data
  • Close and open the game again
Who are the best Special Attack Sync Pairs in Pokémon Masters?

Not sure which Sync Pair to use to inflict damage? Don't worry, we've identified the most promising Physical Strike Sync Pairs in Pokemon Masters. This tier list will let you know who are the best DPS in the game, especially AoE.

Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

La Anton Ego du jeu vidéo.

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