Guide LoL Karma, Top, S10

Karma Top League of Legends Season 10 Guide - Find our tips, items, and runes to play The Enlightened One , wich costs 3150 Blue Essence.

Guide LoL Karma, Top, S10


League of Legends

Early game

  • Doran ring and two health potion is a good start to be able to deal damage while you might not build much AP later.
  • A corruptiong potion can also be an option if you prefer to trade during the laning phase.


  • Ninja Tabi and Mercury's Threads are you best options according to the dominent type of damage the enemy has.
  • You can opt for Ionian Boots of Lucidity if you know that you'll need 10% less cooldown for your spells to reach maximum cooldown.

Core items

  • Iceborn Gauntlet is your first core item, and don't forget to build the Sheen first. It will give you damage, repeated slow, CDR and armor.
  • Spirit Visage will give you magical resistance . Enough to amplify the healing of R- Mantra + W - Focused Resolve.
  • Morrellonomicon will give you damage and prevent your enemies from healing.

Situational items

  • Dealing Damage: Liandry's Torment will allow you to inflict more damage on champions with high HP. Zhonya's Hourglass will also increase your damage and allow you to stall battles with Stasis. If you want more damage, Rabadon's Deathcap and Mejai's Soulstealer will are good options.
  • Support your allies: Ardent Censer, Athene's Unholy Grail, Redemption and Locket of the Iron Solari will be more useful to your allies than to you. These items will allow you to better protect your allies. The Ardent Censer and Athene's Unholy Grail are to be used only if an ally's carry relies on its auto-attacks. Redemption and the Locket of the Iron Solari will allow you to protect all your allies during teamfights.

Playing Karma

Karma only has 3 spells; her ultimate ability R - Mantra enhances her other skills. R - Mantra is available from level 1.

  • As Karma Top, you have to torment the enemy toplaner. Take advantage of your range to be aggressive in lane and get an advantage (at least in terms of farm and lane pressure).
  • Use your R - Mantra without moderation, it doesn't cost you mana and its cooldown is decreased each time you attack your enemy.
  • In teamfight, use your R - Mantra with E - Inspire to shield all your allies and give them the bonuses of your items.

Early levels

  • Level 1: Take Q - Inner Flame and use R - Mantra with Q - Inner Flame to push your lane faster.
  • Level 2: If you want to be able to trade, W - Focused Resolve is a good option, you will be able to enhance it using R - Mantra and get health back.
  • Level 3: With the speed boost from E - Inspire and the control of W - Focused Resolve you will be able to keep your enemy at a distance while doing damage.



Tips & Tricks

  • Each time you hit a spell or attack on an enemy, the cooldown of R - Mantra is reduced.
  • Keep an eye on your mana, Karma is totally dependent on her spells. Nevertheless, R - Karma has no mana cost.
  • If your target dies during your enhanced W - Focused Resolve, you get the full healing bonus.
  • W - Focused Resolve gives the vision on your target. If your target goes into a bush while you are chasing it, you will still see it.
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